Upgrade Your Colorado Springs Home's Entrance with Professional Driveway Paving and Repair Services

Seamless Surfaces, Lasting Impressions

Located right here in Colorado Springs, ColoradoAction Paving LLC specializes in providing premier driveway paving and repair services for homeowners. Our skilled crews have extensive experience transforming properties with smooth new asphalt driveway installations as well as making repairs to existing surfaces. 

We recognize having an attractive, fully functional driveway adds convenience and enjoyment to your everyday home life. That's why we aim to deliver long-lasting results tailored to enhance your property specifically. For driveway surfaces that impress while standing the test of time, trust the expertise of Action Paving LLC.

Dial 719-505-2114 to learn more about our top-rated paving and repair services designed with your unique needs in mind.

Durable Materials and Skilled Techniques for Longevity

For paving, we use the highest grade of hot mix asphalt suited for Colorado Springs’s climate and adequately thick to withstand vehicle use and weathering over time. Our skilled pavers carefully monitor the temperature and consistency of the mix for proper compaction. The subgrade is graded flat and compacted to prevent sinking or cracking.

For repairs, we use hot mix patches or cold mix asphalt as warranted to blend with your existing driveway surface. We excise damaged areas fully before patching and tamping down fills until seamlessly integrated. Preventative crack filling keeps water from seeping below the asphalt.

Efficient Repair Services That Stand the Test of Time 

In addition to paving new driveways, Action Paving LLC specializes in making expert repairs to existing surfaces. We have solutions for all types of common asphalt damage:

Crack Filling

Cracks in the concrete surface allow moisture seepage that leads to further deterioration. We thoroughly fill cracks and crevices with quality sealants to prevent this damage. 

Pothole Patching

For deep holes and worn sections, we excavate until reaching a firm subsurface, then use hot or cold mix asphalt for durable patches level with the surrounding driveway. 

Resurfacing Worn Areas

If sections of your driveway seem unsalvageable, we can resurface just the most degraded portions rather than fully repaving. This targeted repair reestablishes functionality and aesthetics affordably.

Seal Coating

Sealing the entire driveway provides protective benefits while adding vibrancy. Routine seal coating maintains quality and longevity.

For Driveways Done Right, Choose Us!

Whether you want to patch imperfections, seal cracks from water damage, or resuscitate worn sections- you can count on our skilled crews for repairs done right the first time, using proper techniques and quality materials. Let us customize durable solutions to enhance your property's functionality and curb appeal. For unbeatable driveway paving and repair service, give us a shout today! 

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